Sunday, January 22, 2006

Happy Onomastico Dominic

Happy Italian name day, Dominic!

In case you’re a little slow, onomastico in Italian is name day. (Read what has to say about Italian Name Days.)

What a lucky kid. His birthday is in July and his name day is in January. He gets a party every six months.

For those of you new to the conversation, I wrote about name days last July. Those crazy Italians will make any excuse for a party.

And interestingly enough, today’s my brother’s birthday, Dominic’s only Codella uncle, and today’s also my good friend Mark’s birthday. Mark and I have known each other since we grew up together in Spring, Texas. And now we live 7 doors down from each other. Isn’t that quaint?

Mark’s four months older than me, so I get to watch his geriatric-ness and see what I have to look forward to. Thanks for leading the way, Markus!

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