On Nov. 15 Dominic was four months and one week old. At his doctor’s check-up that day he weighed in at 14.2 pounds (the 23rd percentile for his age group) and 26.5 inches long (the 95th percentile).
(And no, Brian, they didn’t give us a percentile on Dominic’s manhood. We wouldn’t want him reading about his endowment on the web, now would we?)
So you pretty much guessed it, he’s tall and skinny.
He got a clean bill of health and a couple shots that kept him grumpy for half-a-day or so.
Eliana joined the bandwagon and received a couple shots of her own. She made a big deal about getting the shot, cried and wiggled, and all that jazz, then on the way out of the doctor’s office stopped to talk to the nurse, named Raven, to say, “Thank you, Raven, for my shot!”
What a silly girl.
She also asked Vickey on the way out, “Why is she named That’s So Raven?” Those of you with children and the Disney channel will catch the humor in that.
Today was the children’s Primary program in church. Eliana was an eager participant and said her couple lines in the program very well. She wasn’t so accomplished at sitting quietly and reverently in her seat however. There were frequent jumping episodes followed by blowing kisses and waving to her proud albeit embarrassed parents. Gotta love her!
As a treat from the Primary leaders for the splendid sacrament meeting program, the kids were given pixie stick candy. Today was Eliana’s first pixie stick experience. Vickey commented that Eliana had straight sugar for her after lunch treat. Eliana promptly bent the stick so it was curved and said, “It’s not straight now, mom!”
I think she may be smarter than we give her credit for. But then again, I’m her dad.
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