Yesterday Eliana and I finally cut into her pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. I had just returned from the gym, so I figured it was as good of a time as any, before I took a shower, to carve and clean out the pumpkin.
Ellie was a good helper and really got a kick out of seeing it lit up.
Just as we were finishing she got on the swing in the back yard and asked to be pushed. And just as soon as she did the sprinklers came on. Vickey and I found that pretty amusing. Eliana didn’t though. It was another opportunity for her to cry. It seems she can turn on and off the cry switch at the drop of a hat. What a cute little actress we’ve got!

Dominic was asleep during the carving experience, but woke up at the sound of Eliana’s crying. He too seemed enthralled to see the pumpkin lit up.
We’re looking forward to Halloween tomorrow evening and to our annual neighborhood pot luck at Gary and Vickie Dickover’s (our neighbors across the street).
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