Ah, the first day of school: the crisp, clean new clothes, the excitement of meeting a new teacher and new classmates, the emotional meltdown first thing in the morning brought on because your mom made you sleep in spongy curlers all night, and you just can’t see how those crazy knots on your head are going to be bouncing curls in but a few moments.
Today was Eliana’s first day of kindergarten. She woke up crying because she wanted me (mom; this is my blogging debut) to brush her hair, and fix it that minute, or the rest of her life would be ruined!

She could not be calmed until her hair was just right. I was getting uptight and frustrated with this little emotional outburst, and Pete and Dominic just got out of the way while the two of us came to terms, and an equally happy place, with the Shirley Temple hair-do.
With that first obstacle out of the way, it was time to get dressed in her new leopard print skirt, her brown shirt and fancy new shoes. The outfit had been carefully selected the night before so as to avoid an emotional meltdown first thing in the morning (at least the outfit meltdown was avoided). After Ellie got all gussied up and was feeling better about everything she went down to have breakfast with dad.

Surprisingly, the morning went smoothly after that. Ellie had to have a “first day” photo shoot. As you can see, she wasn’t shy about posing for the camera. I asked her to strike a pose for me, and this was one of the smashing results.

A few weeks ago Grandma Snow took us shopping so Ellie could pick out some new school clothes for herself. We took her in the dressing room at Old Navy, and once she had on the clothes she picked out she became a different creature. She stood in front of the mirror and started bombarding us with all kinds of poses. She was checking herself out over her shoulder, shaking her booty, throwing her hands up in the air, and then this little gem came as the last and final move. I think it is her equivalent of “blue steel” (Zoolander). But, I digress…
8:30 rolled around and it was time to load up the car and go to school. I was worried that I might be emotional as I kissed my firstborn and sent her off to school. Luckily, I was juggling so many things that I hardly had time to think about it. Between snapping photos, talking to other parents and keeping Dominic happy through all the chaos, I escaped with nary a tear rolling down my cheek.
Ellie marched into the room like she was an old pro and had been doing this for years. While we waited in line she kept giving me a finger gauge (refer to photo—no that is not a miniature gang sign she is flashing—it’s a finger gauge) of how nervous she was. This photo was taken right before we got to the door. You can see that she was feeling nervous, but doing okay.

Mrs. Gupton had Ellie pick her name tag from the counter and she stuck it on and was gone to the alphabet rug in a flash. There was no screaming, or weeping and whaling and gnashing of teeth. Not even much of a glance in my direction as she headed off into kindergarten land. I blew her a kiss and left. That was that.

Ellie has been vague in her descriptions of what she did today at school, but she seemed to have a good time and like her classmates and teacher. I hope this turns out to be a great school year for her and that she learns a lot.

I have my worries and trepidations, but what mother doesn’t? She will be a great student and I can’t wait to see how things unfold as we open this new chapter in our lives.