I’m sure you’re all wondering how Vickey’s doctor’s appointment went today. The bottom line...she’s dilated to a one-and-a-half (barely) and it doesn’t look like the baby’s coming any time soon (maybe that’ll jinx it and he will come soon).
The doctor was surprised. She commented to Vickey that she was hoping she would have heard from us already - that we were at the hospital and she needed to come deliver the baby.
But the good news is he looks healthy and Vickey’s managing all right. In fact, he’s so healthy that the ultrasound tech estimated he’s about nine-and-a-half pounds!
Of course, the bigger the baby gets, the higher the chance of a cesarean.
So, who knows what’ll happen, or when it’ll happen.
The doctor did schedule an appointment for Vickey to be induced at St. Rose Dominican Hospital - Siena Campus on Tuesday, July 12 at 7:30 a.m. If baby Italiano doesn’t manage to come before that at least we know the latest date he’ll arrive.
Maybe by that point he’ll be a 10 pound baby. Now won’t that be fun?
1 comment:
HEY! It's Jessica, Julia's daughter, and I wanted to tell you congratulations! Don't worry about it being 10 pounder, my son was born 3 weeks early (January 9, 2005) and was 10.4 pounds! At my 34 week u/s he was 8.5 pounds! Savannah (my daughter who is now 4) was born 3 weeks early (to the day as well) and she was 9 1/2 pounds. Well, anyways, congrats again and I hope that everything goes well for you, please email us pictures when this event occurs!
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