Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina’s Punch

Is anyone else amazed by the amount of devastation caused by hurricane Katrina? How is it, with all our technological advances, communication issues seem to be a the heart of the problems in the Gulf Coast area?

Having lived through hurricanes and tornados as a child, I remember being without power for days and living off of a very different diet. My heart goes out to all those effected by Katrina. I get chocked up watching the stories on the news.

First I’m grateful my immediate and extended family members are all safe.

Second, I want to help. Our family has made a donation to our church’s humanitarian fund and we know our small offering will be put to good use. Can you imagine the billions of dollars of damage caused by one storm?

We’re certainly living in the last days. There are signs all around. Does this sound familiar? “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences…” It’s from the New Testament, in Luke 21:11.

Again, it’s just so amazing to see the destruction and ‘refugees’ on American soil. It’s almost surreal to me.

At any rate, things at the Codella household are moving right along. Vickey’s getting back in the swing of Pampered Chef things, my work is keeping me very busy, sometimes too busy, Eliana’s preparing for her first day at preschool next week, and Dominic seems to grow an inch or so every few weeks. He’s a tall baby. But I guess that’s no surprise when you consider the good genes he has.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back in Town

We’re back in Vegas after our five day trip to Salt Lake City, Helper, Price and South Jordan, with stops up and down I-15 along the way.

Charley and Lori’s wedding celebration was a terrific, finger-lickin’ afternoon barbeque lunch on Saturday at their home in Helper. It was fun to see the extended Snow family and to meet Lori’s clan from Idaho.

We took in the fabulous Helper Arts Festival complete with snacks, clowns and balloon tying, a long kid’s train ride, some cool old restored cars and motorcycles, and just about every type of artwork you could imagine.

The family supported Charley in his second motor sports car racing endeavor Saturday evening. Charley raced twice, nearly coming in third in his first race and having to head to the pit just before the end of the second race with car troubles. He’s learning the tricks of the trade and I’m sure will be tearing up the dust in Price in no time.

Vickey was a trooper and stayed home with the little ones — Dominic, Eliana and Emma — while the rest of us braved the crowd at the racetrack. And just so she didn’t feel left out of all the action, there was quite a bit of commotion when Emma exclaimed that Eliana pooped in the bathtub after their two hour swim-a-thon in the pool at the hotel. There was also a ketchup dropping incident at a local fast food establishment that involved Eliana and Vickey’s foot. Needless to say, Vickey’s foot and sandal needed some cleaning up after dinner time.

Rachel brought her new beau from New York City, Brooklyn actually, via Philadelphia (correct me if I’m wrong, Rachel), to meet the family. It was fun meeting Kevin and learning they’ve been dating longer than Charley and Lori who are now married.

After an amazing Sunday morning breakfast at the Helper café and antique shop we headed to South Jordan to spend a day with Brian and Melissa and the two boys. We attended church with them and hung out Sunday evening. We sure can’t say enough about the perfect temperature in Utah this time of year. It was fun for Eliana to play with Carter and Luke and for us to spend some time at their place. We’re jealous of their big yard and the ability to let the kiddies play outside with plenty to entertain them and lots of little neighborhood cohorts.

Monday, after going out to lunch with Brian’s family, we dropped by Vickey’s old Mill Hollow buddy’s place. Steve and Cyndy Seeley have been dear friends since we were married and Vickey’s known Cyndy since they worked together at the Granite School District’s summer camp, Mill Hollow (I think Vickey’s first summer there was when she was 17). We learned that the Seeley kids (there are six of them) stay up on our family’s activities through my blog. Sorry for not writing more lately guys. We visited long enough for Dominic to fill his little tummy and then headed south. Cyndy talked us into stopping at their Great Harvest bread store in Orem on our way out of town. Loved the mazurkas! And let’s hear it for that new tropical bread. What a terrific recipe! The Seeley’s are so nice to stock us up with delicious baked goods whenever occasion permits.

We finally made it back to the hot desert Monday evening around 10 p.m. It was a long drive and Eliana had just had enough by the time we exited the freeway. She was screaming at the top of her lungs as we pulled into the subdivision. Needless to say, she got carried straight upstairs to potty and go to bed. After a good night’s sleep our old Ellie was back Tuesday morning.

We’ve still got a home disrupted by projects from two weeks ago, pictures to re-hang, moulding to put up, and a new French door with two broken glass panes and all the hardware to install. Someday we’ll get around to finishing that project.

Vickey’s at a young women’s activity tonight while I’m with the two kids. I guess having more than one child will become the new normal but it still seems a little weird to talk about the kids instead of just Eliana.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that yesterday was Dominic’s doctor’s appointment check-up. He’s grown a little more than 2 pounds and 2 inches since he was born. He’s doing well and developing as he should according to the doctor. And Eliana got her three year-old shots so we can say she received them before she turns four next week.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Six Weeks

Now it’s been six weeks since Dominic joined us and certainly, life’s been a whirlwind since his arrival.

We had a great time visiting with the Codellas for a week and working on home improvement projects together. Today we’re in Salt Lake City for a Snow family gathering. We’re going to Charley and Lori’s in Helper tomorrow to celebrate their Vegas wedding which occurred on May 1.

Our drive to SLC went from 8 a.m. Vegas time to 6:30 p.m. We only made two long stops, Cedar City for lunch, and Thanksgiving Point for a feeding stop for Dominic, along with a couple gas-up stops. We took advantage of the ice cream parlor at Thanksgiving Point and let Eliana play with the overpriced toys. So, yes it was a long trip, but the driving time was diminished by our stops.

Dominic seems to be a few inches longer than he was when he was born. And he’s sure filling out and looking like a cute little baby boy.

Eliana’s doing better with the big sister gig, however she frequently ‘needs something’ when Vickey’s feeding Dominic.

Yesterday Angie and Vinny’s dog, Nala, had one of her front legs amputated…the result of an accident a month or so ago (she jumped out of the Explorer while it was going 50 miles per hour). And yesterday was Angie’s birthday. Fun day for them. We spoke today and learned they’re taking it all in stride and dong well.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Almost One Month

Life seems to be settling down, Vickey seems to be getting closer to functioning at 100%, Eliana seems to be over her bathroom fetish, and little Dominic continues to eat, sleep and soil his diapers (and sometimes his clothes and everything around him). Life’s good!

Dominic will be a month old tomorrow when he’ll receive his first priesthood ordinance, an infant blessing, in our sacrament meeting.

“Every member of the church of Christ having children is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name” (from the Doctrine & Covenants 20:70).

It will be a great opportunity for both our families to join together and give thanks for the arrival of the new little one. And from what I’ve observed in Dominic, I’d say he’s content and easy-going with a strong personality, and of course, since he looks like his dad, that cute lit’l punkin’ will be a real charmer.

We’re lucky to have him in our family.

We’re looking forward to welcoming grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends…probably about 40 folks…to our home tomorrow afternoon for a family luncheon as we celebrate Dominic Joseph’s safe arrival. No doubt there will be lots of activity and craziness, so I’m enjoying the quiet morning hours this morning.

Actually, I woke up about 5:30 a.m. because Dominic was making little hiccup sounds in his sleep, then Tank barked at quarter to six and woke Eliana up, who of course had to come lie in bed with mom and dad. So, Vickey and the kids are in the bedroom and I’m up and at ‘em.

I think I’ll head downstairs to begin making goodies for tomorrow’s festivities.

By the way, a holler out goes to my good friend Tyler Castleton who celebrated his 35th birthday on Wednesday. Happy birthday Tyler!

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Story Goes On

It’s been several weeks now and we finally have a medical professional’s opinion on Eliana’s frequent bathroom trips. The doctor said Ellie checks out and everything’s just as it should be, all except for her attention getting behavior which her parents will just have to learn to deal with.

So, we’re glad a physician has given Eliana a clean bill of health so we can dismiss the possibility of a urinary tract infection or something else.

Dominic is doing well and even growing. His face seems to be getting more mature each day.

Tonight I’m home alone with the kiddies and the dog. Vickey’s at a Pampered Chef meeting, her first one since the baby.

It’s hard to believe that it’s August already. It’s a busy month for us with Dominic’s blessing and extended family on both sides joining us this weekend, the visit of my parents and brother’s family next week, and Vickey’s brother’s wedding celebration (they eloped to Vegas a while back, so the celebration is something for the family to participate in).

We got some exciting news Sunday morning – our neighbors, Brian and Robin, gave birth to their second child and first boy. Now Dominic will have someone to tackle, as Brian put it.

Vickey’s doing pretty good and getting around almost like normal. She’s taking regular over the counter pain medication when needed and doing her best to sleep when Dominic sleeps.

And right now, Dominic’s not sleeping. He was confused a bit by the bottle tonight, in Vickey’s absence, but he should have a full tummy now. He’s just not settling down like he usually does for Vickey.

So, I’m off to my father of two duties. Hopefully it won’t be too long of a night for us all.