Friday, March 10, 2006

Help mom to not be grumpy someday

It’s a funny thing, teaching your child to pray. You never know what they’re going to say.

A week or so ago, in one of Eliana’s prayers without help (that’s when she refuses assistance from mom or dad) she said, “And please bless mommy that she can not be grumpy someday.”

I started to laugh. Mostly because I had made a similar observation not long before, about how Vickey was usually short in dealing with Eliana. But then again, I don’t have the opportunity of doing that every day, almost all day.

It’s fun watching Eliana grow into being a little girl. We’ve already been told of her antics in primary (at church). She just likes being the center of attention. It’ll be so interesting to see what kind of teenager she becomes.

For now, we’re all praying that we can help Vickey so she’s “not so grumpy.”


Anonymous said...

I just want it noted that after Pete spent a weekend with Eliana (just Ellie, mind you, and not the baby as well) while I was in Utah for a funeral, I found it interesting that Pete had made a rule for Ellie that went something like this: "No asking daddy any questions for the rest of the day." I also noted, with amusement, that the rule was not stated with utmost patience and love, either. It came out as rather an exasperated dad comment that showed he had dealt with our energetic and extremely talkative 4 year old for a mere two days. It would be intereting to see what Ellie might pray for if dad was in charge all day every day. Also, if said dad was going on 9 months of sleep deprivation, as well.
With that said, I have to admit that I wouldn't change my role as mommy for anything in the world, even if I am grumpy sometimes.

Melissa said...

I'm glad we all don't have that problem. Being a Mom of three boys I'm NEVER grumpy.

Melissa said...

I'm glad your the only one that has the grumpy problem. Being a mother of three boys...I'm NEVER grumpy!!